September 2018 Recently Published Articles
Slow Steps Toward Transition Meininger, Eric T. et al. The [...]
Slow Steps Toward Transition Meininger, Eric T. et al. The [...]
1. Tan CY. Respiratory tract infections in children with tracheostomy. [...]
1. Bass LM. Variceal Bleeding and Morbidity- Considerations for Primary [...]
1. Berman S. The Importance of Attending Patient Funerals. Pediatrics. [...]
1. Dan B. Sleep as therapy in neurodevelopmental disorders. Dev [...]
1. Markham, JL. Length of Stay and Cost of Pediatric [...]
1. Langer CS. Evolving Federal and State Health Care Policy: [...]
Raw* list of articles published in February 2018 related to [...]
1. Baxter KJ. Structural airway abnormalities contribute to dysphagia in children [...]
THIS MONTH’S TO-READ LIST Appachi S et al. Association of [...]