Hema Patel, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Clin Epi),a Isabelle St-Sauveur, BSc(N), MSc(N)a

aThe Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC


The Complex Care Service (CCS) offers multidisciplinary comprehensive pediatric care for children with significant degrees of medical complexity, focusing on children with multiple care needs, technology dependence and fragility. Families receive the services of a dedicated nurse care coordinator, consultant pediatrician and allied health professionals.  In addition to scheduled inpatient and outpatient consultations and clinic visits, the CCS team also offers: a daily urgent care clinic and a 24/7 on call service. Program innovations include a: complex care clinical fellowship, standardized curriculum for pediatric postgraduate trainees, home/community visitation program and a collaborative website of evidence-based standardized homecare practices.

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