Please fill out the form below if you are interested in volunteering with the Complex Care Journal.

    Article Peer ReviewerAd Hoc Commentary WriterLeadership

    Thank you for your interest in being a peer reviewer. The below information will help us tailor articles to your expertise and interest.

    Program ReportsEducational ReportsCase Reports- Care CoordinationCase Reports- Complications of Chronic DiseaseClinical Care Frameworks

    Complex Care- Primary CareComplex Care- Outpatient ConsultativeComplex Care- InpatientAcute Rehabilitation FacilityLong Term Care FacilityPrimary CareMedical HomeMedical Specialty (not complex care)Multi-Disciplinary Team MemberProgram DevelopmentSchool-Based CareCommunity AgencyNon-ProfitHome Service ProviderCare CoordinationFamily of Child with Medical ComplexityEducation of TraineesInsurance-Based Services & CollaborationsMedical PolicyOther (please provide info below)

    For our Ad Hoc Commentary Writers, we may ask for commentary to be written on specific topics or in response to articles we will be publishing.

    Complex Care- Primary CareComplex Care- Outpatient ConsultativeComplex Care- InpatientAcute Rehabilitation FacilityLong Term Care FacilityPrimary CareMedical HomeMedical Specialty (not complex care)Multi-Disciplinary Team MemberProgram DevelopmentSchool-Based CareCommunity AgencyNon-ProfitHome Service ProviderCare CoordinationFamily of Child with Medical ComplexityEducation of TraineesInsurance-Based Services & CollaborationsMedical PolicyOther (please provide info below)

    Thank you for you interest in being a member of the CCJ leadership team. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding potential roles.

    Content Editor (would be in charge of procuring articles, setting up peer review groups, finalizing articles to submit to editorial board within one type of publication such as case reports - please specify content interest below)Copy Editor (review final publication prior to press, specifically looking at grammar and layout)Website Editor (publish articles to website, update and maintain website)Social Media Editor (maintain social media accounts and publicize publications)Peer Review Volunteer Coordinator (acquire and appropriate volunteers for peer reviews, work in conjunction with Content Editors)Other (please provide info below)

    Please attach your CV in a PDF or Word document.